Our new logo
The most observant amongst you might have noticed that we have a snazzy new logo! And if you are wondering why we chose it - well, you...

On kids' need to change the world
Kids want to change the world. They are naïve, uninformed, biased… and wonderfully idealistic, energetic, and brave. Their vision is what...

Why Philosophy?
Why philosophy I recently received an e-mail from a parent asking why kids should study philosophy. To paraphrase: “I don’t understand...

Kids and Plato - trust the kids!
I love teaching Plato’s Allegory of the Cave to young thinkers. Like all classics that have withstood the test of time, the Allegory is...

Four ways to support critical thinking in your thinker
One of the most important elements of my classes is teaching kids HOW to think rather than WHAT to think. Actually, I am simply helping...