Why educators NEED to be life-long learners
I have learned more about teaching by joining the club as a student, than I have from so many of my years teaching.
Guidance for my younger self
Because my family immigrated when I was young, I have felt I missed important mentoring that would have helped me in my academic life. My...
Education and power
Education is about power When I was a child, I remember ‘playing teacher’, replicating what I saw my teachers do, and to me, at that...
Politics, Fear and Education
I recently watched the Amazon ‘Shiny Happy People’ docuseries. The series covers a lot of ground on religion which I will not engage with...
The need to re-think exams
(Alternative paths of education - part 1) We need to rethink why we assess education. Why do we take exams. Quite often, as we are in the...