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The Psychology and Sociology of Conspiracy Theories

  • 14 Steps
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Join Stuart Lloyd (TMU Science Scholar) to expand your critical and analytical skills, as well as your sociological and psychological knowledge. In these classes you will learn about: - How information and misinformation gets shared through media. - The psychology of conspiracy theories. - How we can use logic to assess theories for their validity. - How we can become more critical consumers of information. Further, the class will develop historical and social awareness by discussing: - Conspiracy theories from the past. - How conspiracy theories work. The goal of this class is not to tell you what to think, but to give you the tools to become a more critical, thoughtful user of information. This video will cover: 1. The effects of conspiracy theories: benefits and costs, effects on society, effects on social media (4 lessons) 2. How people get lost down the rabbit hole: tactics, personalities, social media and the internet. 3. How conspiracy theories fail (4 lessons)

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