Getting the most out of your TMU Classes
There are a few things you can do to ensure your Thinker gets the most out of our TMU classes:
1. Use a headset. We find that kids can hear much better with a headset - it gets rid of feedback and focuses sound. It also focuses kids' attention. You don't need to spend a lot on a headset - you can find a headset with a microphone on-line for about 5 pounds. A headset also means that your kid can listen to a class on-the-go without distracting others, which takes us to:
2. Choose a quiet place to join a class. Of course, part of the attraction of on-line classes is that you can do join them anywhere. Thus, your young Thinker might do a class while their sibling is doing sports and that is great. But trying to join a class in a construction site (this has happened!) is not ideal. Find a place where your Thinker can focus and where background noise will not inhibit communication.
3. Log on at least 5 minutes BEFORE the class starts. To join our classes you will need to download Blizz or Zoom - this should only take a couple of minutes. However, you want to give yourself enough time to ensure everything is working - perhaps you need to shut down other programmes, re-start the computer... you never know. Give yourself a couple of extra minutes to ensure your Thinker is not stressed but feels comfortable and in control when the class starts.
4. Share the excitement! During class we will share so much with your Thinkers. Keep the conversation going. When interest strikes - follow it! This is the most exciting part, where kids take over the learning and learn from the heart - this is knowledge that never leaves!